Tests in English - Word formation

This publication is a collection of exercises concerning word-formation and is designed for intermediate and advanced students of Polish liceum, as well as university students and teachers. The book consists of the following parts: Prefixes, Sufixes, Compound Nouns, Compound Adjectives, Compound Verbs, Clipping, Blending and Acronyms. Each part is divided into chapters containing short intoduction and exercises to a particular kind of preffixes and suffixes. Specially marked exercises (Revision Exercises) may be copied by students. The answer key to all exercises has also been added.

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Нескучное онлайн-обучение английскому языку с помощью игр и интересных заданий Присоединяйтесь к 23 миллионам пользователей Lingualeo Английский по фильмам и сериалам. Учите английский с удовольствием!
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Год выпуска: 1999
Автор: Мариуш Миштал / Mariusz Misztal
Формат: PDF
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Количество страниц: 229

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