Work (Работа)

Тест английского языка на знание тему работы

Правильных ответов из 26. Результат:


    Как бы вы себя чувствовали, счастливым (🙂) или несчастным (🙁), если бы вы были в следующих ситуациях:

  • 1. The company you work for is well know n for its job security -
      🙂 🙁
  • 2. You are suddenly made redundant -
      🙂 🙁
  • 3. You receive a promotion -
      🙂 🙁
  • 4. You are given an increment -
      🙂 🙁
  • 5. You work unsociable hours -
      🙂 🙁
  • 6. You have a steady job -
      🙂 🙁
  • 7. You had adverse working conditions -
      🙂 🙁
  • 8. You suddenly find yourself unemployed -
      🙂 🙁
  • 9. You need time off work because of repetitive strain injury -
      🙂 🙁
  • 10. The office where you work has sick building syndrome -
      🙂 🙁
  • 11. You receive regular perks as part of your job -
      🙂 🙁
  • 12. Somebody calls you a workaholic -
      🙂 🙁
  • 13. Your company gives you plenty of incentives -
      🙂 🙁
  • 14. Your boss announces that there is going to be some downsizing of the workforce -
      🙂 🙁
  • 15. You have a lot of job satisfaction -
      🙂 🙁
  • 16. Your company has a generous incentive scheme -
      🙂 🙁
  • 17. You receive a commission for the work you have done -
      🙂 🙁
  • 18. You receive support from a union -
      🙂 🙁
  • 19. You are under stress -
      🙂 🙁
  • 20. You are forced to resign -
      🙂 🙁
  • 21. You receive a cut in your salary -
      🙂 🙁
  • 22. Your company gives you sickness benefit -
      🙂 🙁
  • 23. You find your job very demanding -
      🙂 🙁
  • 24. Your boss tells you that you have potential -
      🙂 🙁
  • 25. Your boss tells you that you lack initiative and motivation -
      🙂 🙁
  • 26. Everyone at work ignores you -
      🙂 🙁
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