Travel (Путешествия)

Тест английского языка на знание темы путешествий

Правильных ответов из 20. Результат:


    Посмотрите на следующие предложения и решите, верны они или нет

  • 1. A travel agency is the same as a tour operator -
      True False
  • 2. A package tour is a holiday in which the price includes flights, transfers to and from the airport and accommodation -
      True False
  • 3. An all-inclusive holiday is a holiday in which the price includes flights, transfers, accommodation, food and drink -
      True False
  • 4. When passengers embark, they get off an aeroplane or ship -
      True False
  • 5. When passengers disembark, they get on an aeroplane or ship -
      True False
  • 6. The first thing you do when you go to an airport is go to the check-in -
      True False
  • 7. The first thing you do when you arrive at your hotel is check in -
      True False
  • 8. The opposite of a package tourist is an independent traveller -
      True False
  • 9. Mass tourism can have a negative effect on theenvironment -
      True False
  • 10. Ecotourism is tourism which has a negative effect on the environment -
      True False
  • 11. The words trip, excursion, journey and voyage all have the same meaning -
      True False
  • 12. It is always necessary to have a visa when you visit a different country -
      True False
  • 13. A flight from London to Paris could be described as a long-haul flight -
      True False
  • 14. Flying economy class is more expensive than flying business class -
      True False
  • 15. A Canadian citizen flying from Toronto to Vancouver will have to fill in an immigration card before she arrives -
      True False
  • 16. Cultural tourism is the same as sustainable tourism -
      True False
  • 17. The peak season is the time of the year when many people are taking their holiday -
      True False
  • 18. A cruise is a holiday where you go somewhere (usually Africa) to watch and take photographs of wild animals -
      True False
  • 19. An armchair traveller is someone who books holidays and flights on the Internet -
      True False
  • 20. A tourist trap is a place that is visited by many tourists and is therefore crow ded and expensive -
      True False
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