Sport (Спорт)

Тест английского языка на знание темы спорта

Правильных ответов из 18. Результат:


    Представьте, что вы профессиональный спортсменк и увлеченный зритель. Как бы вы себя чувствовали в в следующих ситуациях, счастлив (🙂) или несчастно (🙁)

  • 1. Your team has been promoted -
      🙂 🙁
  • 2. You are sent off during a game -
      🙂 🙁
  • 3. Someone believes you have been taking performance-enhancing drugs -
      🙂 🙁
  • 4. People say you are grossly overpaid -
      🙂 🙁
  • 5. Your team has reached the final -
      🙂 🙁
  • 6. In a 100 metre race, you beat your personal best -
      🙂 🙁
  • 7. You have been disqualified from taking part in a competition -
      🙂 🙁
  • 8. You have failed a dope test -
      🙂 🙁
  • 9. Your team has been relegated -
      🙂 🙁
  • 10. Your country's national football team qualifies for the World Cup -
      🙂 🙁
  • 11. Your feel that your team has no team spirit -
      🙂 🙁
  • 12. There are a lot of hooligans at a match you attend -
      🙂 🙁
  • 13. In a cycling race, you outdistance the other competitors -
      🙂 🙁
  • 14. People say you are always committing professional fouls-
      🙂 🙁
  • 15. When you walk on to the pitch to play a game, the spectators start jeering, booing and shouting abuse -
      🙂 🙁
  • 16. The spectators cheer when you w alk on to the pitch -
      🙂 🙁
  • 17. You outplay your opponent in a game of squash -
      🙂 🙁
  • 18. A newspaper article accuses you of match fixing -
      🙂 🙁
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