Modified words (изменяем слова приставками)

Тест английского языка на знание приставок к существующим словам

Правильных ответов из 16. Результат:


    Измените каждое слово, выделенное наклонным шрифтом в предложениях, добавив префикс, чтобы слово стало правильным в контексте предложения. Используйте каждый префикс только один раз

  • 1. Thanks to Internet technology, companies can hold conferences with their agents and customers around the world without leaving the office.
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  • 2. The conference is a annual event, and usually takes place in March and September.
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  • 3. In her new biography, the travel writer and broadcaster Lucy Apps treats her readers to some fascinating tales about her life on the open road.
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  • 4. Email and social networking websites have formed the way people communicate
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  • 5. Unfortunately, the project team exceeded its determined level of spending, and had to borrow more money.
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  • 6. Despite being knocked out of the World Cup in the -final, there was a great sense of elation, and the certainty tha twe would go all the way the next time.
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  • 7. Only a small percentage of students who do a university degree go on to do graduate studies.
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  • 8. People enjoy their jobs much more if they get on with their -workers
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  • 9. If you knew about all the potentially dangerous -organisms that live on an average dishcloth, you w o uld probably never use one again!
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  • 10. sex fragrances are believed to be a modern invention, but a century ago all perfumes were for men and w om en alike, and people just chose the one they liked the most.
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  • 11. If you feel that you have received standard service, you should complain to the manager or most senior employee immediately rather than wait until later.
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  • 12. In 1929, the Graf Zeppelin became the first airship to navigate the world
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  • 13. Astronauts started living on the national Space Station in 2000
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  • 14. I have two dictionaries: an English-French one, and a lingual English one.
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  • 15. I was an achiever at school, always getting low grades in tests and poor marks in my homework.
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  • 16. The city is so populated that it is almost impossible to find anywhere to live.
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