Men & women (Мужчины и женщины)

Тест английского языка на знание феминизма

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  • 1. They would never admit it, but men and women are in a continuous power struggle at work -
      Positive Negative
  • 2. Most major companies are male-dominated -
      Positive Negative
  • 3. It's a fact that, whe n it comes to promoting their employees, some companies still discriminate on the basis of someone's sex -
      Positive Negative
  • 4. A recent survey suggests that many professional women work ing for large companies and organisations often hit a glass ceiling at some point in their career -
      Positive Negative
  • 5. Professional businesswomen, especially those in senior management positions, are more astute than men -
      Positive Negative
  • 6. In my experience, they are also more versatile -
      Positive Negative
  • 7. What's more, they are better at multi-tasking -
      Positive Negative
  • 8 They can also be much more ruthless when necessary -
      Positive Negative
  • 9. My elder brother is such a male chauvinist! -
      Positive Negative
  • 10. As far he is concerned, women are little more than sex objects -
      Positive Negative
  • 11. He is completely unreconstructed -
      Positive Negative
  • 12. Some might say that he's a bit of a dinosaur -
      Positive Negative
  • 13. My younger brother, on the other hand, has egalitarian views -
      Positive Negative
  • 14. He believes in equality between men and women -
      Positive Negative
  • 15. He doesn't think that women are the weaker sex -
      Positive Negative
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