Global problems (Глобпльные проблемы)

Тест английского языка на знание глобальных проблем

Правильных ответов из 25. Результат:


    1. Choose an appropriate option

  • 1. Thousands of buildings were flattened in the San Francisco of 1906
      earthquack earthquake earthquaik
  • 2. The damaged properties all along the coast.
      hurricane hurriccane huriccane
  • 3. A struck the southern coast with tremendous force.
      tornadoe tornado tornaddo
  • 4. The caused immense damage in the regions along the coast.
      taifun typhone typhoon
  • 5. The has been dorm ant for years, but last month it showed signs of new life.
      volcano vulcano volcanoe
  • 6. Several were heard during the night as the army occupied the city.
      explossions explosiones explosions
  • 7. The American of 1861-1865 was fought between the south and the north.
      civil war sivil war civvil war
  • 8. There has been a major on the motorway.
      acident accident acciddent
  • 9 rain has brought serious problems.
      Torrential Torential Torrantial
  • 10. The storm caused widespread along the coast
      devvastation devustation devastation
  • 11. The were caused by heavy rain.
      floodes floods flouds
  • 12. Relief workers are bringing food to -stricken areas.
      draught drought drouhgt
  • 13 is widespread in parts of Africa, with millions suffering from malnutrition/
      Famine Fammine Faminne
  • 14. The authorities are taking steps to prevent an of cholera.
      epidemmic epidemic eppidemic
  • 15. The was spread from rats to fleas and then on to humans.
      plague plaque plaigue
  • 2. Complete the sentences with an appropriate word or phrase

  • 1. The disease rapidly, killing everybody in its path.
      broke out spread casualties disaster erupted refugees relief shook suffering survivors
  • 2. The fire through the slums, destroying everything.
      broke out spread casualties disaster erupted refugees relief shook suffering survivors
  • 3. When the volcano , people panicked and tried to escape.
      broke out spread casualties disaster erupted refugees relief shook suffering survivors
  • 4. The ground violently when the earthquake began.
      broke out spread casualties disaster erupted refugees relief shook suffering survivors
  • 5. Fierce fighting between government soldiers and rebel forces
      broke out spread casualties disaster erupted refugees relief shook suffering survivors
  • 6. A funeral was held for the of the fire.
      broke out spread casualties disaster erupted refugees relief shook suffering survivors
  • 7. An aid convoy was sent to help of the hurricane.
      broke out spread casualties disaster erupted refugees relief shook suffering survivors
  • 8 from the conflict in Mantagua have been fleeing across the border.
      broke out spread casualties disaster erupted refugees relief shook suffering survivors
  • 9. The poor people in the city have experienced terrible as a result of the disaster.
      broke out spread casualties disaster erupted refugees relief shook suffering survivors
  • 10. International aid agencies are trying to bring to the starving population
      broke out spread casualties disaster erupted refugees relief shook suffering survivors
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