Будущее продолженное время -
The Future Continuous Tense
Будущее продолженное время (the future continuous tense) имеет модель will be doing для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа. В некоторых случаях с местоимениями I и we используется форма shall be doing; однако в разговорном языке эта форма встречается редко.
Будущее продолженное время обозначает действие, которое будет продолжаться в определённый момент в будущем. Этот момент может быть выражен следующими обстоятельствами времени: at two o’clock tomorrow, at fi ve o’clock next Monday, that time the day after tomorrow и тому подобными:
I think I will (I’ll) be working at my essay this time tomorrow
Правильных ответов из 10. Результат:
1. You will recognise her when you meet her. She is a tall blonde and black jeans and a light green blouse.
is wearing
will be wearing
2. the supermarket on your way back? — Yes, why? — Can you buy me a packet of coffee beans?
Will you pass
Will you be passing
Are you passing
3. I don’t know when they from their trip, probably next week.
will return
will be returning
4. If you your computer this evening, can I use it for half an hour?
don’t use
will not be using
are not using
5. What are you going to do aft er dinner? — Perhaps I a football match on TV.
will be watching
am watching
will watch
6. Anne is going to revise for her English exam from seven until ten o’clock this evening. So at nine p.m. she for the exam.
will still revise
will be still revising
is still revising
7. We are arranging a picnic in the forest next weekend. us?
Do you join
Will you be joinin
Will you join
8. He knows they for him there at the appointed time.
will be waiting
will wait
would wait
9. We are going to do the flat tomorrow morning. It will take us from eleven until one o’clock. So at twelve o’clock we with tidying up the flat.
will be busy
are busy
will be being busy
10. They promised when they returned from their trip abroad, they some exotic animal for us.
will bring
would bring
will be bringing
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