which - типичные ошибки в английском со словом which
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Не правильно ❌ Правильно ✅ Пояснение
1. The magazine has a hundred and fifty pages which they are full of photographs.

2. The coat has two pockets, of which one of them contains a wallet.

3. We spent a week in Malta, a small sunny island which inhabitants are very friendly

4. I decided to visit an old friend which I had not seen for a long time

5. неправильный

1. The magazine has a hundred and fifty pages which are full of photographs.

2. The coat has two pockets, one of which contains a wallet.

3. We spent a week in Malta, a small sunny island whose Inhabitants are very friendly.

4. I decided lo visit an old friend that/whom I had not seen for a long time.

1. Do not repeat the subject after a relative pronoun. Compare: 'The magazine has a hundred and fifty pages. They are fall of photographs.' 'The magazine has a hundred and fifty pages which are full of photographs.'

2. Compare: 'The coat has two pockets. One of them contains a wal let. '

3. whose = of which/of whom

4. Which cannot be used to refer to people.