something - типичные ошибки в английском со словом something
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Не правильно ❌ Правильно ✅ Пояснение
1. By six o'clock I am too tired to do something else.

2. At first we couldn't see something suspicious.

3. If the cassette is stuck, you'll have to use a knife or something l ike that.

1. By six o'clock I am too tired to do anything else.

2. At first we couldn't see anything suspicious.

3. If the cassette Is stuck, you'll have to use a knife or something.

1. Note that anything is used in affirmative sentences which actually express a negative meaning: 'By six o'clock I am too tired to do anything else.' (= By six o'clock I am so tired that I cannot do anything else.) Compare: 'too ill to eat any food', 'too busy to see anyone'

2. Something is usually used in affirmative sentences: 'We could see something.' Anything is usually used in negative sentences and questions: 'We couldn't see anything.' 'Can you see anything?'

3. ... or something is an informal expression meaning ' ... or something like that': 'Why don't you buy her a book or something?'