sleep - типичные ошибки в английском со словом sleep
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Не правильно ❌ Правильно ✅ Пояснение
1. I slept at ten o'clock last night.

2. After showing the conductor my ticket, I started sleeping again.

3. I felt warm and relaxed and was almost sleeping when suddenly the telephone rang .

4. I felt warm and relaxed and was almost sleeping when suddenly the telephone rang.

5. The child fell into sleep as soon as he got i nto bed.

1. I went to sleep at ten o'clock last night.

2. After showing the conductor my ticket, I went back to sleep.

3. I fell warm and relaxed and was almost asleep when suddenly the telephone rang.

4. I fell asleep and didn't wake up 1111 the next morning.

5. The child fell asleep as soon as he got Into bed.

1. sleep = remain in the state of being asleep go to sleep = fal l asleep (i .e. enter the state of being asleep)
Compare: 'I went to bed at nine, went to sleep at ten, and slept until six this morning.'

2. go back to sleep = fall asleep again (after an interruption)

3. Asleep (adjective) can be used with almost, nearly, etc. when talking about a partial state.
Sleep (verb) always refers to a complete state and cannot be qualified in this way.

4. Fall asleep and go to sleep are the usual expressions.

5. fall asleep, NOT Into