sack - типичные ошибки в английском со словом sack
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Не правильно ❌ Правильно ✅ Пояснение
1. When I took the two oranges out of the sack, I discovered that one of them was bad.

2. My new coat has a belt and two large sacks.

1. When I took the two oranges out of the bag, I discovered that one of them was bad.

2. My new coat has a belt and two large pockets.

1. sack = a very large strong bag: 'a sack of coal'
bag = a container made of cloth, paper, leather, etc.: 'a bag of sweets', 'a shopping bag'

2. sack = a very large strong bag
pocket = a small flat cloth bag sewn i nto or onto a garment, used for keeping small items in