need - типичные ошибки в английском со словом need
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Не правильно ❌ Правильно ✅ Пояснение
1. lt is no need to tell the police about the accident.

2. There is a great need of international understanding.

3. Tina needs leave her house at seven o'clock every morning.

4. Today's society needs that women work.

1. There la no need to tell the police about the accident.

2. There Is a great need for International understanding.

3. Tine needs to leave her house at seven o'clock every morning.

4. Today's society needs women to work.

1. It is not necessary ... BUT there la no need ...

2. a need for something, NOT of
Compare: (be) In need of something (= require): 'The car is in need of a good clean.' 'Are you in need of any assistance?'

3. Compare: (1) negative form: 'She doesn't need to stay if she doesn't want to.' 'She needn't stay if she doesn't want.' (WITHOUT to) (2) question form: 'Does she need to stay any longer?' 'Need she stay any longer?' (WITHOUT to)

4. need someone to do something, NOT that