big - типичные ошибки в английском со словом big
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Не правильно ❌ Правильно ✅ Пояснение
1. I would like to remind you that I paid a big amount for this radio-cassette and I expect it to work properly.

2. While on holiday she caught a big disease.

3. Instead of having a pleasant journey, I reached my destination with a big headache.

1. I would like to remind you that I paid a large amount for this radlo-cassene and I expect lt to work properly.

2. While on holiday she caught a serious disease.

3. Instead of having a pleasant journey, I reached my destination with a bad/severe/terrible headache.

1. Amount and number (= quantity) are used with small and large, NOT little and big.

2. Big is NOT used of illnesses, aches, and pains.

3. Big and large are not usual ly used to describe abstract qualities.
Great is often used instead: 'great happiness/ sorrow/difficulty'.